St. David's Episcopal Church & Preschool, San Diego


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Ministries at St. David’s



  • Ushers: Ushers help open and close the church, they greet people as they arrive, hand out bulletins, and help to guide people to their seats. They also assist during communion to send people to the altar table. In general, ushers serve one Sunday a month, but may be called upon to assist for additional special services like Holy Week and funerals.

  • Acolytes: Acolytes assist at the altar by carrying the cross and/or torches (candles). They sit with the clergy during the service and usually vest (wear special robes). Acolytes assist the clergy with the reading of the Gospel and with communion. Acolytes usually complete a short training session and serve on a rotating basis. They may be called upon to assist for additional special services like Holy Week and funerals.

  • Lectors: Lectors read scripture during the service. Usually this entails coming to the pulpit and utilizing the microphone. Lectors are scheduled on a rotating basis, and may be called upon for additional special services like Holy Week and funerals.

  • Intercessors: Intercessors read prayers on behalf of the congregation during worship. Usually this entails coming to the pulpit and utilizing the microphone. Intercessors are scheduled on a rotating basis, and may be called upon for additional special services like Holy Week and funerals.

  • Altar Guild: Members of the altar guild set up and clean up before and after the service. They are charged with caring for all of the items we use during worship, especially the altar linens and communion paraments. This can take 10-30 minutes to complete both before and after the service. It is a ministry that gives its members an understanding of our worship and rituals in a deeper way. Individuals and teams are scheduled on a rotating basis, and may be called upon for additional special services like Holy Week and funerals.

  • Flower Guild: Members of the flower guild are responsible for creating and crafting the beautiful altar flowers each week. They purchase (using donations to the church) the flowers and greens and arrange them in front of the altar. Additional flowers may be needed for Christmas and Easter, weddings and funerals, for example.


  • Sacred Ground: Sacred Ground is a 10 session journey through videos, articles, and two ‘core books’ to begin to understand the history of racism in America and the Episcopal Church. Participants are invited to connect their own family histories and individual experiences with the materials. Group discussion and prayer leads to understanding and action, as we seek to become part of God’s Beloved Community . Sacred Ground Circles form quarterly or biannually.

Child & Youth Formation

  • We welcome families with children to every service at St. David’s, where children are very important to us. We have loving and fun childcare every Sunday for ages 2 to 6. For children wanting to stay with their parents, we have coloring pages and a family room, if desired. Our family room is delightfully child furnished and parents can see and hear the entire service. Every 2nd Sunday of the month, our priest Fr. Kirby invites the children to join him at the altar for a children’s sermon. Sunday School for children through 5th grade goes from the Fall through Spring.


Our Stewardship Committee focuses on our annual pledge campaign in the fall, but also fosters the spirituality of generous giving as a year round endeavor.  They work together to vision and plan events, education, and themes to enhance the experience of the congregation and connect people with the church.  This committee meets monthly and more frequently during the pledge campaign.


The Service and Justice Committee is responsible for connecting our church to the needs of the world.  At monthly meetings, they research and discern projects and events that would help our church to serve the vulnerable and those in need.  They also seek to advocate for a more just society and world.  There are ongoing projects like Blessings in a Bag", dinners for Rachel's Women's Night Shelter, and the CCSA Backpack Drive. They are always looking for new ways that God is calling St. David’s to get involved and help come alongside those who need assistance.


Click here for Vestry info





 Wednesday Fellowship

Parishioners gather on the last Wednesday of each month from 4-6pm. This is a strictly social event. Everyone is welcome. Enjoy a favorite beverage, a bite to eat and a chance to catch up with each other. Bring a mask in case we have to wear one until we eat or drink. Watch the Weekly Times for updates. Questions? Contact Ruth Woolery

Locations vary, so check The Weekly Times or the monthly Gospel or the announcement page in the weekly Worship Bulletin.


The San Diego Episcopal Cursillo community was founded in the 1970’s to meet the growing spiritual needs of Episcopalians in San Diego County. It is part of a world-wide community which began with the Roman Catholic Cursillo movement. Its purpose is to help those in the church understand their individual callings to be Christian Leaders.

Daughters of the King

The Daughters of the King is a national prayer/support organization for women. Members make a life-long commitment to prayer, service, and evangelism.

Come as a guest to one of our meetings and share in our experience of spiritual growth, learning, and fellowship. A meal is shared before devotions, prayer, and study. We meet the 1st Monday night of each month at 5:45 p.m.


Our Senior Center, known as The Gray Brigade, is a vital part of the St. David's and neighboring community, offering a place for friendship, nourishment (physical, social and psychological), and shared laughter. It is a place where you know others are looking out for you. The Coordinator keeps in touch through weekly emails. During COVID, the group meets on Friday mornings for Games at the outside tables at Sprouts on Clairemont Drive until we can gather again in the Education Center at church.

Contact Activity Director Debby Park (858-220-8207) for more information or if you need a ride.



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Music At St. David's

The Ministry of Music

The Ministry of Music program is an integral part of the worship and discipleship ministry of St. David’s Episcopal Church. The ministry also supports our Concert Series which is provided for the greater San Diego community. It involves local and out-of-town performers. For more information on our music program please contact the church office at 619-276-4567 X 204.

Join the Parish Choir
Our Parish Choir is open to all interested singers and requires no auditioning. This is a great opportunity to learn quality music from the past masters as well as music hot off the press. The choir sings for the Sunday service from September through the middle of June.
Weekly Rehearsals: Wednesdays at 11:30 a.m. August-June

Our Instrumental Ensemble and Praise Team

The Instrumental Ensemble provides assistance at the 9:30 service year-round. Musicians proficient in any instrument are invited to join this group. For more information regarding this group, please contact the church office at [email protected].

Weekly Rehearsals: Wednesdays at 11:30 a.m.